Why the fuck didn't I use LaTeX sooner, even though I knew for years of its existence...
Bye Word and Libre Office and Open Office!

Now I CODE my docs in vscode!

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    @FrodoSwaggins <INSERT_FAVORITE_EDITOR> with LaTeX = <3
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    @FrodoSwaggins whats wrong with vs code?
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    The beamer (presentation) mode is nice, too. "Your" presentation template will take some time, but it will look nice in the end and will save time.
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    @sbiewald definitely trying it thx for the suggestion
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    @FrodoSwaggins I liked Pycharm but it takes too long to start at my little laptop and is quite heavy (very nice nevertheless). I also like idea of not having multiple ides and that vscode is free and opensource. I am not fan of Microsoft so I thought about switching to atom, but after Github thing it lose its point.

    I am not convinced to Vim or Emacs so they are out of table. Also I don't care about electron as long as it works nice.
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    Do you use the latech workshop plugin? It works great
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    @Omnisus Why not use a LaTeX editor that's literally made for the task like TeXStudio or TeXWork?
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    How can anyone use LaTex without being forced to use it? I love playing around with PowerPoint and Word, but i have to admit that i never have to present smth.
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    @Ederbit Yeah it really is nice
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    Do you use any VS Code add-ons for Latex or do you write anything by yourself?
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    @electriZer I have to write some papers and things like Bibliography management is hell in word. Or have you ever tried to insert a chapter in a 60 or more pages document in word? You have to renumbered everything (Headlines, references to headlines in the text, pictures...). Latex makes stuff like this a no brainer.
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    @schug LaTeX workshop plug in in vscode is perfect
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    @gathurian Because you used to this editor and know shourtcuts so it is easy to adapt it as editor for other formats? Dedicated software could be better but it is enough beneficial to learn another one to use it only for docs?

    I findout highlighting of selected string in whole file, deleting or copying whole line or just moving line up and down really useful for text editing. Dark theme is nice also. It isnt enoguh to replace writer, but for some of files it is great. Probably same goes with latex
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    @ShotgunSurgeon Libre writer numerates references for you, but when you change title of reference it isnt auto-updated, but there is workaround you have to insert each record of bibliography again at the end of file and it will update other 😃

    Probably way worst than latex tho
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    @ShotgunSurgeon thanks. will give it a try
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    @FrodoSwaggins It's still just a tool. And yes I will discard it for a better option. And vscode currently is for me a really good editor. It's extensibility is really nice. Still I will learn vi properly but currently I haven't got around to it. Still no reason for such hate. It's not like I insulted your God or something. I didn't even say vi is bad.
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    @FrodoSwaggins I will for sure!
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    @FrodoSwaggins Sure there is more and PyCharm has slow boot time, but it isn`t just text editor. I know about vim, neovim and Emacs but I don't have that much time for programming so I cant justify time to spend on fighting editor rather than code something.

    Maybe later I will try vim, neovim or Emacs, but it isn't now. VSCode do what I want and I don't care about elecrtron or JS as long as it don't destroy my user experience and if anyone will remember it or not isnt my concern. Also it is like saying that creating anything new is dumb and better stick to old one, which prove to work and will be used probably in future which doesn't sound good.
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    @FrodoSwaggins I agree with crawling and walking and I really got point about Vim, but for my case it is like learning about aircrafts and build airplane to get apple from tree. It could be way more beneficial and have brighter future than just climbing to get it, but also I probably will starve or lost interest 😃 If I will be professional programmer or have more time I for sure will give Vim a shot.

    I have Manjaro from some time and I am happy without Windshit so switch to Vim is somewhere in future 😃
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