
I reflashed my Oneplus One because for some reason it wouldn't boot into OS. It would just shut off after it boots.

Recovery was fine though. So thought it was a ROM issue, sideloaded the latest copy.

Still didn't work so as a last ditch effort I plugged it into the charger it.... figured i'd deal with it tonight.

Well now I turn it on again and it boots... Power bar says 71%....

Somehow it lost 40% power from just sitting on my desk a week unused.... or maybe i just remembered wrong. But still strange I could turn it on and even sideload from Recovery...

  • 1
    Mine did that one time. Another time it also wouldn’t turn on after flashing without the power plugged in.. you could pull it out after though which was super weird. Kind of a cool feature though if you wanted no one to be able to turn it on mostly haha.
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