
No Google just because I use your app while running daily and hence providing you my data regarding my pace, my running track, my high weight and more doesn't mean that I want to diet

Stop showing dieting tips as news

  • 3
    When you keep it up long enough, and they eventually start showing you life insurance ads..
  • 1
    Why are you using Google anything?
    They spy like no other.

    (Actually, Facebook is worse... just not as ubiquitous.)
  • 0
    @Root otherwise I don't know how to track my workouts

    Nike Run Companion some times over estimates the length of run
  • 0
    Get a fitness tracker with built in GPS
  • 2
    @gitlog There are better ones lol
    Even Samsung Health is better.
  • 0
    @620hun it's like sending data to even more parties

    Atleast google keeps it to itself when said to(I guess)

    And, I guess all the Chinese companies after all give the data to big firms only
  • 0
    @Root will check that out

    BTW Nike has one benefit over all competitors with the guided runs and coaches
  • 2
    @gitlog so basically no solution is good for you, and yet, you complain
  • 1
    @620hun hmm I guess I'll have to compromise on one or other thing
  • 2
    @gitlog Can always write your own 😋
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