
How does one deal with a new product manager that doesn't know how to code?

  • 2
    Should product managers code?
  • 1
    @iAmNaN Not necessarily but there's a lot of knowledge gap when we're planning
  • 6
    From my experience there needs to be one tech lead who translates the possibilities to product as well as required timelines to complete features. That way product knows what is doable, feasible and what is a nice to have but not a priority
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    @Hishiro put her/him an hour a week on www.codecademy.com
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    I just break down the tech stuff to the appropriate level, and a PM doesn't need that much tech detail as long as he stays within his job scope.

    If he doesn't, then you'll have to take him down a peg anyway, and the sooner you do that, the easier it is. Along the lines of "you do your job, and I'm doing mine".
  • 2
    @zemaitis @lunorian Thanks for the insight, I could use this opportunity to improve :)
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