
Sad day when you find out you work for a company who cares more about a working product than a good product.

  • 5
    Sometimes I think my company just cares about fancy marketing and paying customers.
  • 2
    There is a difference? If it doesn't have a negative user experience (ie few random bugs, decent performance etc) it is a good, working product
  • 0
    Good can be subjective.

    Working means solid.
    Something works or doesn't work.

    I personally prefer working products.
  • 0
    Not really. I know full well here that "good" probably refers to some standard of code cleanes etc. In my experience this is unealistc and you need to find a happy medium.and live with it
  • 1
    The scale of "good" is a bit large don't you think? Can't always make things fantastic, somehow your salary needs to get paid. Still, having worked for a company that was completely unable to understand the term "technical debt" I absolutely do feel you.
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