Damn computer.
Hey guys!
Have a problem with my custom made desktop.
On games, after 5, 10, 20 minutes the PC freezes and I have to restart.
It's not the graphics card, but I think the CPU is overheating.
It's a new i5 8gen Hexacore, shouldn't be overheating.
Any tools I could use to diagnose what is happening?

  • 0
    Speedfan with give you some useful information.
  • 0
    Run a memtest using a linux live cd, some prime factorial cpu load.
    Mobo problem are the hardest to diagnose though - I don't know of a good tool.
  • 0
    Check temps and clean your fans, heatsinks, etc.
    If that doesn't work, try a live CD of some distro and see if the problem persists. If not, it's software. If it does continue, remove one ram stick at a time and try playing games again. Could also be a dying mobo, likely caused by a bad PSU.

    Could also be as simple as a card not seated properly -- corrupt data on the pci bus will freeze your system, guaranteed.
  • 0
    It's a new pc, fans should be clean, termic paste should be fine...
  • 1
    Complete freezes are not related to temps, in my experience. The CPU would simply underclock until it's safe again.

    Could it be an old BIOS on the motherboard? Maybe check if the vendor has released a new one.
  • 0
    Just gonna send it to fix :p
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