
How do you know when to quit working for a particular company?

When you quit your job, what are the things or factors that tell you that that's the right time to do it?

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    This is something that have me thinking very often but haven't taken the time to analyze or research it properly...

    What I can tell you is that when I left my first job, I had been there for more than two years, and I had been hating it for more than a year...
    If you're not happy there, it's probably already time to leave.
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    They you actually have something else to do or work on. Don't let yourself idle for too long or your skills will start to deteriorate.

    If you're still working there search for another job first then quit
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    If you wake up every morning and wish it was weekend, or try your best to come up with a valid reason to take the day off, then it's a very good sign you should quit
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