
20 minutes into working with stock ubuntu 18.04 and instantly remembered why I don't use stock ubuntu... It's so fucking sluggish and bloated!

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    Already downloading fedora to give that a try
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    Depends what you're doing and your specs. It works great on my laptop with an amd a8 and 8gb ram
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    @ScribeOfGoD it's not so much that the machine doesn't keep up, it really does its just the way the animations have been tweaked and everything is just slowed down, over juiced and flamboyant.

    Just makes the machine feel slow when it isnt
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    People warned you against using the default desktop environment. It's a piece of shit. But others are fine. It's not Ubuntu that's sluggish. It's Ubuntu's config of gnome. Take that out, and it's as performant as any other distro.
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    @bahua I know they did, was going to install Ubuntu and throw on other DE's but think I'll just do full reinstalls using the DE's flagship OS, so if I want to try KDE for example I'll find an official KDE developed distro

    Edit: also it was more I just wanted to see what they actually did to gnome as I haven't used it before.. apparently they fucked it up massively, bring back unity7
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    Try windows 10 for 15 mins.... You'll appreciate this
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    @rutvora windows 10 feels better than stock Ubuntu
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    @KartSriv Wait is 16.04 still using unity7?

    If so might jump onto that and throw on a stock gnome experience
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    When I started working on my PhD everyone was using stock Ubuntu there. But since nobody except me knew anything about Linux I quickly installed xubuntu on all PCs and now everybody is happy.
    I thought about using something like Arch Linux or Gentoo... but I like my cooworkers to much to fuck with them like that 😅
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