
My work does not use fucking version control of any kind.... Today I had to look over some old report I did, which contained a few errors, the script to create this report I have since modified so I have no idea when this went wrong and the script now is also not functioning properly for this task...

I know it's my own fault but fucking goddammit why don't we just use git?!!?!

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    Well why don’t you? It’s not like it’s a company only software...
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    Don't have admin rights on my own PC and we need a private repo and stuff. Plus we do work on remote connection only accessing python...
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    Private repo can be created for free kn github. Add you ssh key and off you go.
    Not sure if you use any ide that has a built in git client. But that should get you up and running.
    Don’t wait for a company to change. Be proactive. And if they don’t want to listen to you, it’s their lost.
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    Change it.
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    Yeah, I would complain loudly. I would use words like "negligent", "amatuer hour", and phrases like, "Git acts as a save button for the code. If something goes wrong we can always restore the save to a working point"

    You should probably schedule a 15 minute meeting with your boss and have a powerpoint on the benefits that git could bring to the company. Include scenarios that go into detail about cost saving and time saving. It's what I'd do.
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