
I just learnt abt Stadia from Google!
They said “imagine a world where you don’t need expensive gaming hardware to play the next release.”

But my question is “will I need an expensive service to access that?”
Is it gonna be another Netflix thingy for game? For now I’m just thinking abt how much they’d charge for hosting the game on their server, wow.

  • 3
    I just read somewhere that user needs to plugin the mic all the time
  • 1
    @zotigapo eh, why so? Is that like radio? Have to plug in headphones, so it acts like an antenna.
  • 8
    @lunadev I didn't hear anything about a microphone yet (that might have been just a joke from @zotigapo about the recent "nest incident"), but it would't surprise me anyway.

    To answer your question, Stadia requires a high speed Internet connection (fiber recommended), but that's pretty much it, as far as I know.

    Fun fact: Their servers are running on Linux with the Vulkan API.
  • 1
    @Jilano oh I see.
  • 4
    You probably won't have to pay with money. Your data is all they need.
  • 0
    @xugS6fz6A7P8cL5 for the players, yes. How abt for the developers tho.

    @irene I read up abit and ppl are saying it is a Netflix for games. Exciting stuffs.
  • 1
    @lunadev on google translation they used STADIA on old crap pc with low internet connection, so it doesn't need fiber speeds.
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