
Why TF is my manager so f*king fixated on using PHP!

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    Unfortunately some companies/devs make it seem it's the only backend language out there haha or some just can't be bothered to make the switch.
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    Probably cuz its the cheapest easiest solution.

    Not hard to use, fast and with many modern features that you would expect on any modern language.

    Also because most people can be properly trained with it fairly quick.
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    @AleCx04 The same applies to node and ruby.
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    Same here. For a new project we plan I try to convince my boss to not use PHP for it, but a language that has proper concurrency and so on. Programming with PHP is somehow still like coding for s single-CPU single-Core machine. I seriously would like to use Go for that project, but the best I could get out of him is "maybe we should use Java, since it is still an industry standard".
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    @Root i am missing the "cheap and easy" solution for either or. I love em, don't get me wrong. But as far as cheap you are not going to beat php. Or easy for that matter.
    There is practically no setup to be had on a bare php environment.
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    Install rvm
    `rvm install ruby-xxx`
    `gem install bundler`
    `bundle install`
    Set up daemon

    I actually think it's easier than setting up php?
    It is definitely harder and more expensive to find ruby devs, though.
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    there is a dollar in php, bit feel free to tell him about string literals! maybe he change his mind! xD
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    @Root i am not new to Rails...i know how the setup works and I also know that 9 times out of 10 and depending on your environment there are lots of steps in between...just installing a version manager and getting it setup properly can take time.

    I can be funny like that and just say
    Install lamp
    <?php echo "we are live"; ?>

    And say done and say that shit is easier........
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    @AleCx04 I am being serious, though. I have had far fewer issues setting up node and ruby than I ever did with php.

    But mileage always varies
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    Agreed @Root ruby and node is so much easier to setup.
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    @TobiSGD well, Java is still a decent choice regarding concurrency (though it can feel a bit awkward if you're used to async/await)

    + it has static typing, which automatically makes it better :P
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    Language of the gods... Jk, lol, TGIF , FU
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    @TobiSGD Actually Java can handle concurrency really nicely if you know how to do it properly. (Just a Java dev here... do not mind me :D)
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    Sounds like `rails server` 😋
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    @Root php is a pain in the ass
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    @SauceBoss Haha

    I definitely have a soft spot for Ruby. Not so much for Rails, though -- it's a bit too magical for me.
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    @bytecode Might be. I just don't like Java, it feels so clunky to me and I seriously can't stand all the BeanManagerFactoryManagerBeanFactories ;)
    Seriously, threading in all these 'industry-standard' languages feels like someone thought about that after the fact, and I wouldn't even know how to start with concurrency and inter-routine communications, while goroutines and channels make it all so easy.
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