I didn't even know it existed xD

  • 8
    That was the only thing that is 'light' in discord.
  • 3
    Probably didn't existed, aprils fools day dude πŸ˜…
  • 0
  • 2
    @dotneterror apparently there was a massive outrage which prompted them to revert the joke.

    Something about accessibility and people "not being able to use discord with the dark theme"
  • 1
    @dotneterror I also prefer dark if available.

    Some of their arguments sounded pretty believable and I am sure that there may be conditions where some people really can't use dark themes. But most of the problems they described were due to other conditions that can be minimized/solved by just wearing glasses
  • 0
    I wonder how @irene with his light themes everywhere reacted to that 😏
  • 1
    @irene clearly high-end AMOLED displays are "cheap and low quality monitors" ☺️
  • 0
    @Jilano then how was I able to switch to it after they tweeted that and the client told me they removed it?
  • 0
    @Jilano you’re absolutely correct how did I not see that before
  • 0
    They HAD a light theme?
  • 0
    The only thing i have ever used the light theme for was to enable my gf to see my face at night on my lappy.
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