Omfg... Fixed 3 LifeRay 6.1.1 ce security bugs in less than a day. I should be proud, but I am actualy fucking worried I've been with this project for too long if I can already make liferay fixes THAT fast...

Am I becoming a legacy...? Shit

  • 3
    Call it “experienced” and find a new job?
  • 3
    I wouldn't call it obsolete or legacy at all. If anything, you're pretty quick and experienced if you can fix security vulnerabilities that fast. Be proud!
  • 3
    The project might become legacy, but it looks like you're rather working on becoming a legend. ^^
  • 4
    @Condor @Fast-Nop @Diactoros the problem is, liferay that old is already obsolete. The only place I could use this xp is legacy liferay projects. Not to mention I hate that piece of shit....
  • 2
    @netikras ooo, I see now. Well support for legacy code is rare, a niche of its own!
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