Windows 10: can i install an update in 2 mins?

Me: can u not fking see that i have a million programs opened and im doing important shit rn

Windows 10: ok boss

2 minutes later

Automatic restart

  • 11
    Windows update reeeeeee
  • 5
    @maushax The trouble with Windows update notification is that they're often in form of pop-ups.

    Nothing worse than when you're switching between your bazillion of running apps and the update pop-up with 'Reboot' button selected by default emerges 0.01s before you hit Enter.

    First person to discover how to set "Active hours" in Windows10 to 24 hours should be awarded with eternal fame.
  • 3
    I remember, back when we had win7 at work and got that reboot/postpone, once, due to Spectre or stuff, it was "unpostponeable" - you got a popup that 10min remains to restart. And guys went furious when comming back from lunch and seeing all their work is gone cause screenlock didn't prevent the restart.
  • 3
    @blem14 Well tbf, Id be pissed too, but who the fuck doesnt save their work before lunch?
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    It said, "Ok, boss", not "Okay bag of info", so it said Ok to Brad Smith.
  • 1
    the best part is when the update breaks something and you have to roll back
  • 0
    Yes, You can if you have an SSD card install on your PC. And you have a 100 Mbps data connection line. Beside this, In a supercomputer, you can also install it in 3-5 mini think. You track the time of installing windows using time tracking apps I guess.
  • 1
    @qwwerty you can completely disable auto-updates by running gpedit.msc (look it up, it's easy)
  • 0
    @Nanos that sounds like a bad method, by editing the hosts file you won't be able to update at all (not even manually).
    By editing the Group Policy rules, you can specifically disable automatic updates and automatic reboots, with no unwanted side effects
  • 0
    Apt get upgrade mmmmhhhh
  • 1
    ok just so no one will belive me but wtf its true so whatever i fucking was up latre one night passed out laptyop was on the night stand as usual only this time it said on the screen "im commiting sucide all your data is destroyed fuck you"not really it said update finished installing so im like wtf i didnt say to do any such thing i actualy did everythingh in my power including turning off the update service in every way i could to prevent this from happining so im like wtf ok great here we go and yep just like i tought fucking stupid recovery screen or whatever you wasnna callit with abot 6 diffrent usless options none of witc do fuck all to help anything since auto repair did nothing windows does whatever it wantss whenever it wants just google it and find out duh

    ps linux has been just as much a pain in the ass as windows buit it doesnt just kill it self i had to mess with stuff to fuck it up unlike windows were i just have to leave it unattended
  • 1
    @gathurian well, I did not mean a code that you can save. Imagine leaving for lunch and having tests in progress, compiler running or downloading gigabytes of data that got interrupted. Or even having to setup whole env, opening IDE (i.e. Android Studio), moving windows around etc. I would be furious.
  • 0
    @Nanos by editing the Group Policy settings you can specifically disable only autoupdates, works 100%, no need to undo-redo anything, and nothing breaks - in fact, you're actually using the system as intended, because it's a builtin administrative setting.
    Keep in mind, this is not the "work hours" setting that is normally shown in the regular windows settings. This thing actually overrides everything else, and if you disable it, you disable it for good.

    Honestly I wonder why people keep relying on untrusted (and potentially malicious) third-party solutions, when the proper solution is just one search away *shrug*
  • 0
    @Nanos hmm, I never encountered such behavior (update uninstalling a specific driver), so I wouldn't know.

    As for Group Policy not working - I don't know what else to tell you, I got it to work on 4/4 Win10 Pro installs. No autonatic updates in over a year and a half. I've even manually updated one of the computers, and the setting has still remained effective (so still no autoupdates after manually updating).
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    @Nanos Basically just open the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) and go to "Computer Configuration" > "Administrative Templates" > "Windows Components" > "Windows Update"

    Then just set the different policies like I have in the picture. This should disable automatic updates and automatic reboots, and will also remove the "Install updates and shut down" option when you wanna turn off your computer without updating when updates are available.

    Maually checking for updates and manual installation will still work though.
  • 0
    @endor note: all the other policies have been left untouched either because they are not important, or they have no effect when the main update policies are disabled.

    Anyway, you can read trough the various settings and try to customize it to your needs.

    Note 2: my pc is currently on win10 1709 (but afaik it should still work on later versions)
  • 0
    Do you have a few moments to talk about king of all the OSs 'linux' and it's different distros?
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