
There are two kinds of people in the world:

Type A: This has good built quality, is pretty upgradable, has reasonable specs and enough ports and doesn't break my bank. This is the right choice.

Type B: I might have to live on canned food for a while but this is the machine for professionals and I'm in the path of being a professional. Also, it just looks so good. It just feels right to buy this.

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    One with reasonable specs and being pretty upgradable is what a professional needs.

    Something is incoherent about this post
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    @asgs This jokes' purpose is to bash on both modern design choices of closing down hardware by making them non-upgradable, non-user serviceable and overpricing the product to assert a fake sense of value and those people who glorify these choices in the name of innovation.

    Would be glad to talk more about this here. :)
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    @avronr oh, I think you were referring to TypeB more than anything. I was wondering why TypeA isn't sufficient
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