
I used speech recognition package of python in one of my projects. It is working properly but it is not recognising some words, like if I say my name so it will print something else, printing 2 as doose, 1 as drone. To sum up, it's not considering few words.
I tried some amendments like set the language to english-india.
language =en-IN
But after this also, same problem arose.

  • 2
    Do you need to do more training with it? What’s the name of the package?
  • 1
    @broseph speech_recognition
  • 2
    Speech recognition is an imperfect technology anyway, especially if you're speaking in an Indian accent for a recogniser trained for general English (yes I know en-IN is an option but still, Indian accents can get pretty thick, plus I doubt there's a lot of source material). Don't expect a free one to perform very well, companies invest a fair amount into commercial grade speech recognition and even those fuck up quite often.
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    @RememberMe so is there any another way?? Can't we make our own algorithm??
  • 3
    @kamt you could train your own algorithm, however that would take a lot of time. What you could do is taking an existing package/algorithm and train it further, if the package allows/exposes that option.
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    @RememberMe my favourite was when we failed to understand an Indian fellow from a contractor team because of the accent. Turned out the other guys in his team didn't understand him either. LOL
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    @kamt Of course there is! We’re programmers! 👨🏻‍💻
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    @Fast-Nop lol, it has happened to me too. It doesn't help that ours is a fairly large country so there isn't one Indian accent, and on top of that let's just say that people's command over English can vary quite a bit. Working in a group often devolves into a guessing game.
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    @broseph can you please help me with it?
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    @Wack can you please help me with it
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    @kamt sorry, I've only played a bit with Machine learning. Haven't got to speach part yet. If you're interested, I'd suggest starting with "sk learn" there are tutorials from the library as well as youtube videos explaining it.
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    @Wack ok, thank you
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