It's always some dumb thing that goes wrong. Like, a semicolon I forgot to type, or a period or a misspelled variable. Last week I spent two hours on a Discord Bot coded in Python that refused to iterate a list of names. I had forgotten to put quotation marks around each of the items in the list so they would register as strings instead of integers. Will it ever get better?

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    @Alice I see that now. 😂
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    You should probably use a proper IDE ...
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    @mojo2012 I use Visual Studio Code for most of my scripting. Linters are helpful but they don't catch everything.
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    @dudeking but it wont help u with python 😜
    I really liked pydev back in the days.
    Had quite neat autocomplete and sybtax checks.

    U might wanna tey spyder? Looks quite neat
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    @dudeking yeah theres a plugin for phpand java too ... autocompletion still sucks ass
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    @dudeking oh I meant vscode!
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