First day at new work... I already hate seeing this

  • 3
    Fun. update your libs, and make some coffee!
  • 3
    @magicMirror spent the whole day trying to update everything so that Android Studio would stop complaining... after updating: 1067 warnings, 326 errors... fuck this shit
  • 1
    @JustThat I have no co-workers, I'm basically the first and only employee of the company
    (the app development was outsourced and now they want to continue developing new features themselves)

    PS: The company was founded by a non-profit that I am actually working for so they could pay me :D
  • 1
    Don’t be the only dev on your company, it’ll be hell
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    Yeah man I hate seeing JAVA too.

    May be you can ask what language they use before accepting the offer.
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    @devTea I am the only one getting paid but there is a senior dev tasked with helping me understand the project structure (it's a mess)
  • 1
    @bytecode good luck with that
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    @nam17887 The listing was for a Java developer... Not Kotlin Android developer -_-
  • 0
    @bytecode hence the coffee. 🤷‍♀️
    Usualy a full project search/replace does most of the work. Warnings leave for later, after the monster compiles, and things start to work.
  • 0
    Android, such fun
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