My god why are there 10000 ways to do the same thing in javascript? I just want to make a simple todo app without library and don't know which route to go...

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    I wouldn't suggest googling "how to make a to-do app with JavaScript." The to-do list the hello world of JavaScript frameworks and therefore there are thousands of them.
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    @bohr what would you suggest for me?
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    @jensrott what is your background in software? Where are you coming from?
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    @bohr I do have a little bit experience. I know html + css,little react etc. But I feel like I never spend enough time on vanilla js. That is why I want to make some basic projects. I was confused by the amount of ways you can do it.
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    @jensrott I would spend time just learning about javascript and hot it interacts with HTML. Frameworks can do some cool stuff, but are often overkill. VanillaJS can easily make a to-do list
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    @bohr Thanks for the advice. In my opinion college also doesn't spend enough time on the basics. We jump to fast into frameworks. But college is getting more and more a time waster in my opinion.
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    @jensrott Ha, yea. I'm graduating in a few days, and haven't really be happy with what was learned my past 4 years...

    It's my opinion that college is just to tell employers that you have the ability to learn new things. Then they teach you the majority of what you need to know onsite. At least that's how it has worked in my experience
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    So tired of this notion that just because a library exists you need to use it. Or having an abundance of libraries is an issue.

    In fact, I’m tired of this anti-js movement. If you don’t like JavaScript because you’re unable to comprehend how it works, don’t push that on the language. Blame you’re own incompetence.

    Besides, I can’t imagine why having more than one way to do something is something to complain about.

    I know you didn’t explicitly say you dislike JavaScript, but I followed the line of logic.

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    react or vue, just pick one and do a todo app, there's not much to it in 2019
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    @Nachfolger i agree 100%, but I think op is just a bit overwhelmed and rightfully so, jsland can be overwhelming, so maybe he's not the one you should address that opinion to.

    there is tho other people that do need to hear what you just said
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