Anyone out here started their programming interest by creating moding/ creating their own private WoW servers back in the day? Or any thing of such nature ?

Mine interest was sparked by screwing around with mangos private wow server source. Way back in the day haha.

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    Not WoW, but Warcraft 3 got me started on basically everything. I would make custom maps and basic campaigns and stuff (anyone remembers the horrible custom scripting language that Warcraft 3 and Starcraft used, JASS?). Wanted to learn how stuff like that was made annnnd...here I am.
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    Nah I didnt have internet as a kid. So I started reading BASIC books my dad owned.
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    Started by modding GTA.got interested in making 3d models. Learned blender.got introduced to python via blender..got interested in computing in general leaned c++ then assembly and now working at a cybersecurity firm and couldn't be more happier .
    Seems like a butterfly effect. And don't know what I would be doing today if I hadn't bought tha GTA San andreas CD
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