I'm looking for a Python mentor. I need someone I can PM for clarification so I can wrap my head around things.

Is anyone up to the challenge?

  • 1
    That is correct, I was thinking of using something like Discord, Telegram, Signal, et al.
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    Go rambo and solo it
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    I've done a lot on my own and I'm proud of that, but sometimes I reach a point where a nice pointer in the right direction from a mentor would be beneficial
  • 2
    @RiderExMachina oh, then maybe contribue to github project? I thought you’re talking about basic python
  • 4
    I have contributed some Python code on GitHub/GitLab, I have just reached the mid-level point where beginner tutorials are too easy and a lot of advanced level stuff is over my head.

    And of course for some specific things the docs are overly complicated and don't 100% fit the way that I learn and understand and no one's looking for it on Stack Overflow...

    Shit's frustrating, yo
  • 5
    I'll do it. Been wanting to start a discord server/telegram or whatever so that I can talk to ma boi ---> @Stuxnet

    I'll hit you up tomorrow man. Its 1208 where i am at and I have been at the office all day.
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    I'm down. I've taught many a people before. All I ask is you try to research before you ask a little. And a bit of patience. Timezones and stuff yknow.
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    I research before asking :)
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    @RiderExMachina I'm honestly quite bored right now, got any immediate questions?

    We should figure out the contact thing. How do people usually migrate off devrant? Discord? https://discord.gg/KHudBGF
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    Are you willing to Pay.
    Pay per Message.
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    I'll be there in a minute, dealing with a personal issue
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    Big thanks to @deadPix3l who looked over my spaghetti and gave me some great tips!
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    I can try to help but I don't know how much I can help
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    @terraria99 feel free to join that discord :D it's a perma link
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