When your designer thinks null and NaN are cool...

  • 1
    huhh? Whats wrong?
  • 4
    @nam17887 they could write 0 like everybody else, but they don’tšŸ¤”
  • 7
    This is probably some legal ass covering. If they write 0 and someone finds a slight trace, they'll get sued. Putting "nil detected" covers this. A bit like a bottle bleach saying it kills 99.9% of bugs.
  • 1
    omg, its not NULL

    its NIL
    its LUA.

    Nope. Stop.

    (For context: one time I needed to learn LUA to help friend fix OTLand server plugins. So learned it writing for api without documentation (c++ api source code was my documentation). That was true nightmare, and since then LUA and it's NIL's immidielty brings me flashbacks)
  • 1



    More like a nineties cereals commercial.
    Sweet sweet memories :)
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