When did this sector get too busy to do design? All we do is throw cupcakes against the wall now. Even with breakfixes a simple “what do you need from System X and what can you pass in?” is now deemed too slow.

  • 0
    Could you elaborate? I'm intrigued 🤔
  • 0
    Embedded SQL in application.
    Table structure changes, breaks application
    “Let’s fix via Stored Procedure!!”
    Gets sent the query.
    Turns SELECT into stored procedure.
    “I just get zero”
    The app can’t read tables, needs OUTPUT parameters.
    Redoes stored procedure.
    Silence of response must mean it works.
  • 0
    Oh, and the manager gave it to the Level 1 to fix and he comes to me asking for help. When I ask “what is it suppose to do?”; he doesn’t know. Then every answer is the correct one.
  • 1
    If someone threw my cupcakes at the wall, I would murder them in their sleep.
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