Your brain is like muscle. Use it or lose it. Damn! My brain is obese!

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    If that's so, that means you don't use it 🤔
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    Your brain is primaly made from fat.
    In that sense it isnt like a muscle and that is normal state of things. Your brain just prunes non used connections just like people disconnecting things to save on the energy bill.
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    @Gregozor2121 Cholesterol! So if you cut it from your diet... well, you start turning into an idiot after a few years. (Oversimplification ofc, but close enough.)

    @bangkekambing Get to exercising! Here's your gym: https://projecteuler.net/
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    Cholesterol is a alcochol.
    (Look at the sufix)

    I need to research that more.
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