
Why does it always take me 50 years to design the front end, takes not even half that to get the backend working......

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    Ain't your forte man and that is normal in some cases. Just practice man! It takes a different type of skillset but if you want it you will get it :)
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    @AleCx04 He said, "design", not "build". Creativity is not a skill.
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    But creativity can be learned
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    Creativity is not a skill you learn, but are born with.

    Not everyone can do it, and not every designer has the functional mindset to do the backend.

    Finding people that can do both well is no simple task. I can do both, but there's some front Enders that I just jaw drop over their work.
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    @baric creativity is not a skill you can go an learn, it is a skill you can increase though. You still require to have the mindset to be creative.
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    I'm very creative when I make algorithms, also to draw your picture if you'd like me to. But I digress I rather have it running perfect with a mediocre front end then having a brilliant front end and have it running mediocre, if I'm looking someone who only designs I'll definitely give you a call
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    @telephantasm ah I guess that shit doesn't build up over time with practice and study.

    Nvm op, this dude says creativity can't be developed.
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    That's probably all he's good at, but I know hard work and study you can do anything
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    Isn’t that how it works?!
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    @baric dude, don't be butthurt just because you suck at coming up with stuff :(
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    @telephantasm you sir are a douchebag, y don't try to help the community instead of being toxic to newer dev
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    @baric OMG. I'm so sorry, you're so right. You just keep practicing and practicing and eventually you will be reborn with a creative brain. Good luck, buddy.
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