Fuck can't sleep again. I always only breath in 1 nostril

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    The term is nasal cycle bullshit! Abnormality fucker
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    That is by far the worst thing. Humans are so damn unspohistiated.
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    @Alice nah you pay with your life
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    Doesn't everyone only breath through one nostril at a time?
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    I always auto switch to mouth mode when I sleep.
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    @Devnergy I have a similar condition but it's caused by some kind of allergy. antihestamine and a nazal spray always help. but I'm not a doctor lol soo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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    Gonna sound like weirdest thing, but this is coming from a mouth breather of 20+ years. But sounds like you had something similar to me but only in one nostril. Look up dr. Mike mew’s YouTube vids on tongue posture and tongue exercises. Shit basically fixed my deviated septum. Be cautionary if you get into his shit on jawline since you can develop intense jaw pain TMJ. Never in my life thought I’d be able to breathe my nose as efficiently as I do through my mouth. But his advice really opens up the back roof of your mouth and lets your tongue rest in a position that isn’t covering the nasal passageways access to the throat. Can’t back all his claims with tons of research, it’s pseudoscience at best. But anecdotally it has worked wonders for myself and if you listen to it it kinda just makes sense.
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    @nitwhiz I can't sleep breathing in my mouth. If I fell asleep doing it then my mouth might close down.

    I asked my wife if she can breath in both her nostrils. She said yes. I envy her. I'm just a poor quality person because of nasal cycle 😩
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    @exceptionalGuy I can't auto switch to mouth mode. I can't maintain it. Plus insects or a mouse might enter my open mouth lol
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    @Admin-who I don't want to rely much on anti histamine and nasal steroid spray. My body might adapt to it and lose its effectiveness. I only do it once in a blue moon.

    I miss sleeping with both of my nostrils working fine! 😤
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    @Devnergy I honestly stopped taking them a while back and take them whenever I feel really down. but I don't mind sleeping with one nostril tbh. it's not that bad ig.
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    @NSGangster thanks I will watch him later. Hope his tutorials can help me with my nasal cycle fucker. I don't usually swear but man this nasal cycle is really pissing me off
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    @Admin-who sleeping with 1 working nostril only is troublesome because you will have a hard time breathing. Also when the nasal cycle kicks in, it will wake you up because of the mucus changing positions.

    I asked my mother and brother, they both said they can breath fine in both nostril. Wtf is wrong with me damn it nasal cycle I hate it 3000x iron man blah blah
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    @Devnergy my entire family has that type of allergy 😂😂 so we find ways to deal with it. sometimes sleeping with your head elevated might help. and when you switch the side you sleep on the mucus will shift position due to gravity. so just try to sleep on one side and your back.
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    @Admin-who I can't sleep on my back. Every night I struggle with this nasal cycle shit. Is this a curse?

    I went to the ent doctor way back. He gave me a steroidal nasal spray. It was heaven, I can breath in both of my nose. I want to sleep that time. Then the effect only lasted for about 10 minutes and the nasal cycle kicked it again. Damn it.

    Such is life.
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