Go home, brew. You're drunk(er).

  • 0
    Uses the Cyrillic i as seen in the Ukranian alphabet, eh?
  • 0
    `brew cask install gimp`?.
  • 1
    It's not drunk. "brew install x" is just not the same as "brew cask install x" and essentially that error message says you tried the former but need to use the latter.

    From a usability perspective, both the error message and the install/cask install split are madness, but that's the way it is... 🤷‍♂️
  • 1
    @VaderNT thank you, now i finally understand what i've done wrong all those times before i started to copy paste shit from tutorials
  • 0
    Lol I realized that later but that error could be worded better
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