So because @QuanticoCEO said devs should go deep and learn low level.

How many years did it take you until you thought you'd be/you're a good senior developer?

I think I learned a lot but I also think it's just a fraction of how much I'd have to learn to understand the bigger picture.

And do you have any recommandations on material which made you go "OHHHHHHH"?
(My new discovery was the YT-channel of "thechernoproject" who made me rethink some things)

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    0 years.

    Technology and science is evolving fast - you can have 15 years experience, but If you did 15 years the same shit it doesn't matter.

    If you can adapt, learn new things and keep focus you're a senior developer.

    (I have 10 to 15 years experience in PHP / MySQL - looking Back from PHP 7.3 to PHP 5.3 or MySQL 8.0 to MySQL 5.0 is pretty easy for me... ;) )

    For me Senior Developer means that you can keep an balance between your experience, new features while constantly looking for more knowledge to gain.

    Eg. I've started Java / Scala / Postgre - mostly because I'm bored. Java has dramatically changed... And Akka is interesting. and I hated Java... Really. Hated. ;)
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    @IntrusionCM I wouldn't want a Senior Developer with zero years experience.
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    @LynxMagnus Might be. The thing is - and this was a big problem and will be an even bigger issue in the next generations - experience must be made.

    I wrote 0 because there are too many companies who want an fully fledged 'senior developer'... 10 years plus of experience and whatever...

    There are positions where this makes sense - no doubt - but mostly it is to pay one person a fixed loan and be done.

    Most companies see education and the time needed for it - and the expenses - as a waste of resources.

    Which brings me back to the point: 0 years. Anyone can become Senior Developer, as long as he is given time and the necessary tools for education.

    You can 'see' the effect of not wanting to educate in a lot of companies... Startups are an even worser example because most of the time people are not paid / under paid but should work 24 / 7.

    The result of all this is imho that quality and security suffer tremendously - ain't nobody got time for that...
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