Funny coz it’s true

  • 0
    You do realise that node_modules are not deployed, don't you?
  • 0
    @kamen and that makes what difference exactly?
  • 3
    We're going to need a bigger horse

    > npm install bigger-horse
  • 1
    @kamen I have a vue website that doesn't work without supplying packages.json and running npm install on production, I hope I'm not doing it wrong lol
  • 0
    @grumpyoldaf Normally node_modules exist only in a dev or CI environment. Whatever ecosystem you're developing for, it has its dependencies, just sometimes they're not as evident as node_modules.
  • 1
    @gitpush I'm not very familiar with Vue, but I'm sure it has a script that outputs a production-ready, self contained bundle.
  • 0
    @kamen Yes we are all aware that everything has dependencies. But even a decent sized app with a lot of dependencies in a language like C# would still weigh less than node_modules. Am sure you know this.
  • 1
    @Horkrine don’t forget
    Npm install horse-shoe-front-left
    Npm install horse-shoe-front-right
    Npm install horse-shoe-back-left
    Npm install horse-shoe-front-right
    Npm install reins
    Npm install bridal
  • 1
    @bluescreen i think there is a complete package for it:
    - npm i yet-another-horse
    // PS: Don't forget to fix some vulnerabilities (fix for blinders)
    - npm audit fix
  • 0
    @grumpyoldaf Have you seen Angular 8? It outputs bundles of 50-ish KB.
  • 0
    The last .net app I made was considerably smaller than the .net framework sdk and nuget packages it used
  • 0
    @kamen you’re moving goalposts now mate.
  • 2
    @bluescreen That's great, but now you've installed all the packages for the horse but it's sitting on the cart instead of pulling it
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