
So I've been applying to jobs. I, purposely, have been putting down that I am female (since they all harp on diversity, I'd like to see if they even bother reaching out to me. Also anything to get my resume past the bots).

Spoiler alert - getting similar ratios to male counterparts, 100+ applications sent, maybe 4 phone interviews. No offers yet. Still made to do code challenges.

Well, I just found out where all that diversity hiring went to. Buddy of mine who works at a mid tier company said that they have a special program that onboards women into tech.

Specifically, women who have literally zero background in computers.

Teachers, social workers, etc. They get a week or so of some coding bootcamp and then get full time positions over more skilled applicants.

This infuriates me. I literally would be in a better situation to be hired had I not have had any technical background, taken this particular bootcamp and finally net the elusive entry level position I need.

And guess what? That move has antagonized the existing male employees who see that they have zero interest and zero competency instead of having an integrated workplace.

10/10 for incredible bullshit.

  • 6
    IT got out of control since governments and corporations started to be more interested in it.
    Everyone is wannabe developer, and everyone is an expert.

    Money is pumped to IT in billions and burned right after.

    Now with all of those certifications requirements and corporate bullshit all around if you want to get job fast and got some money make some cloud certificate ( preferably aws ) put it on linkedin profile and apply to job.
    Good luck, peace.
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    @mordax Accurate.
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    Well you wouldn't have ranted about it if your "female" stunt worked and got a diversity hire. Instead, you would have thought it was empowering and shit.

    Good luck job hunting though :)
  • 4
    @Kyouma Nah mate, not empowering, infantilizing is more like it. I know some diversity hires, they never end up actually programming (which is my passion). They become "tech evangelists" and are basically glorified marketers for the company. I just want a call back. I'm trying to see if not disclosing gender nets me that now.
  • 1
    Stop applying to jobs, start sending your stuff to recruiters.

    All the good jobs are from word of mouth via recruiter. Not posted online.

    Instead of sending out 100 applications, contact 50 recruiters. Of those 50, 25 will reply. Of those 25, 10 will be worth while. Of those 10, 5 will find you interesting and well paid work.

    Of those 5, 3 will be what you really want.

    Then decide

    Stop wasting your time by sending applications to some rouge emailbox and join the mountain of applications. You need an advocate, not a place in the stack of resumes.
  • 0
    Oh, I hope you didn't expect even for a second that the virtue signaling lound assholes who shout do much in media were doing something selfless to benefit others! No no no, no, they are becoming increasongly more irrelevant and skilless and they can't get a job because being useful takes actual effort and that would mean they might stop living their lives as social parasites. The whole diversity movement is intended to give jobs to useless people who can't into life on their own and need their hand held for the rest of their lives.

    I'd hire you just based on saying the words "programming" and "passion" in the same sentence.
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