Wait! I screenshot this from the advert of a company who advertises code academy.

Does this mean they want to train people on how to edit minified codes? 🙄

Cos it looks like this guy just opened jquery.min.js and took a picture.

I can't help it. 💔😂😂😂

  • 21
    And apparently they work on thoae minified scripts while blinded by a projector light.
  • 6
    And without typing but only looking at the screen 😂
  • 6
    Sorry but I misread it as "SmartassSpace"
  • 4
    Typical marketing departments.
  • 5
    Can't see anything with the screen angled like that, to say nothing of being blinded by the projector too.
  • 3
    Opened it and then beamed it straight into those now crispy retinas magnified by the lenses on his face and then in a feat of insane genius EDITS IT BACKWARDS!! Omg I’m sold...
  • 1
    There's no evidence to suggest thats what he's working on, maybe they just lack whiteboards and are making do.

    You could they they are making "smart use of space!"

    .... I'll see myself out...
  • 2
    For sure it isn't "smart whitespace".
    Ba dum tss
  • 0
    He's using the touchpad. Wtf.
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