Once A Programmer Had No Child, No Money, No Home, Blind Mother, so he Prays To God.

God Says He Will Grant Him One Wish!

Programmer : “I Want My Mother To See My Wife Putting Diamond Bangles On My Child’s Hands, In Our New Home”

God: “Damn! I Still Have A Lot To Learn From These Programmers”

  • 1
    Hahahahaha 😁😁👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
  • 1
    Uses Promise object 😊
  • 0
    programmers are humble ?
    is that the lesson ? :-)
  • 0
    I thought god would hire him
  • 1
    Programmer is the new GOD
  • 0
    I want my mother to see my wife putting (several) diamond bangles on my child's hands (with her own hands sporting even more diamonds) in( one of our ten )new home(s) (with a Lamborghini in the garage).
  • 0
    good one!😆
  • 0
    Undefined variable "God"
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