Boss actually wants QA to keep track of devs that "cause" bugs and to keep a tally. True story!

  • 6
    Next up, tracking number of lines added. :p
  • 4
    No joke, something like that has been talked about! FML!
  • 1
    Wow!! So ridiculous!
  • 3
    That's pretty infuriating. That person maybe shouldn't be a boss/manager. They should try to find out why and how bugs are getting deployed and what tools and sensical process can be implemented to cut down on bugs and failures in deploying and testing.
  • 4
    They are not treating you as a professional and are not good management. In my career I have found that 'what goes around comes around.'
  • 2
    Fitbit for dogs just got bought for $100m. Imagine what a fitbit for developers would look like. Track all your typing, stackoverflowing, social media browsing, etc. for a "productivity score"
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