  • 1
    This can't be true
  • 0
  • 0
    Makes perfect sense
  • 0
    @maushax I would doubt it and also hope not! Fuck global variables! Plus it isn't used when the value is not-null
  • 1
    I had to go through this with our apprentice the other day. He doesn't like me very much.
  • 1
    @maushax PHP doesn't require variables to have type declarations if that's what you were thinking. No, it's not a global variable, if it was there'd be a declaration stating they were global inside the locate function.
  • 2
    This shit is thaught in schools and Universitys. My teacher once gave me a point less just because I didn't use a result variable. Also in University I had a similar situation where I had to argue why i didn't use one.
  • 0
    @Akatana BaD CoDe, jUsT WrItE !true AhAHahaHaHaha
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