
Role of the Advanced Nurse
Nowadays, there is a great demand of nurse educators, owing to a number of different factors. A nurse educator has transitioned from the direct care into the clinical settings or classrooms to teach future nurses. Nurse educators play a crucial role as mentors, who have been gaining valuable clinical expertise for many years. In order to become a nurse educator, one should have a practice in particular area, get necessary education, and a nursing license. Today, nursing education in America is at crossroads. The profession has achieved great success in gaining recognition for the work that millions of nurses routinely perform, and, therefore, nurse educators should be prosperous in turning all the challenges they face into opportunities with nursing that plays a fundamental role in developing the American healthcare system.
I think that profession of the nurse educator will help me build a rewarding career. I believe that a good clinician, as well as a good teacher has a strong basis in the science of teaching. Every nurse educator should have a solid background, communication skills, and a high competence level, in order to prosper. Educators adapt various teaching methods, ensure innovations and changes in practice and nursing science. Teaching is an inalienable part of nursing. Therefore, becoming a nurse educator is natural. Whether the nurse educators work in the practice settings or classrooms, they prepare and guide patient care providers and future specialists. As the role model, a nurse educator plays a key role in consolidating the nursing workforce, realizing evidence-based practice, and improving patient outcomes. The most rewarding aspects of profession are mentoring students, so that they get skills and have confidence. Other advantages include access to intellectual stimulation of workforce, research, advanced knowledge, opportunities for cooperation, and a flexible environment
About the author: Jessica Sanders is a bachelor in English philology and sociology at California University. Jessica is currently working as one of the best writers at the essayswriters.com She also studies feminine psychology

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