
Have you ever worked in a team that actually did everything right?

I have never seen anyone talk about a team in which things got done.

I'm a solo coder, so, don't really know either way. Sounds like mostly, teams are a mess b/c they aren't done right for the most part?

I dont know actually, but seems that way.

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    People tend to complain more than praise.

    When things go as they are supposed to, no one notices.

    There's not a "celebrate" category on DevRant. So, we need to keep reminding ourselves that this is the long tail.
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    @norman70688 muggles... interesting
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    My senior and my junior teammates are good programmers, we don't have any complaints from each other.

    The problem comes with the other programming team, they are... just chaotic.
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    @Kyngo For a moment I thought you were gonna say that you are the problem lol
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    This chick partner of mine she is always perfect until supervisor comes and critizices her from mildly to harsh
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    ya fuck those guys
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    I don't know if you can do everything right. But Im proud of my team. We fuck up a lot, but we all admit to it when it happens, we fix it, make fun of it for a while and move on. We get shit done while having a pretty lax environment, most deadlines are met. I had only two instances of having to crunch, one od which was for a different company that subcontracted us. From BE to FE, from managers to bosses. I trust all of them. Stupid happens to everyone from time to time. As long as you communicate a lot no one will feel hurt about anything. If you are in a team with someone who thinks he knows everything, that's where problems start
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    I've worked in one that did most things right. The only issue was technical dept (zend framework 1.x in 2014) and no use of local vms (instead a dedicated dev server). Plus no real code reviews. Otherwise it was pretty fantastic and I've learnd a lot
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    I have been on teams that work really well to accomplish a job. Every team develops its roles and goes through a process. Storming then forming then norming then performing. Usually right as the team starts really performing the customer pulls the funding plug when they get the features they want and everyone moves to another project.
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