
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.
Vulnerability scanning is not penetration testing.

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    Why not?
  • 6

    There is a big difference between looking and doing. Computers and code do sometimes unpredictable things when connections are actually attempted.
  • 6
    @nitwhiz Vulnerability scanning only (!) scans for well known issues, built-in to the scanner. While it is often done during a pentest, but is just a part of it.
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    If you can convince my management and my stakeholders that requirements-driven cybersecurity isn't a sustainable model, then I'll start working my redteam skills 24/7. Until then, I'm going to keep trying to get my managers off my back and not get fired for "not doing my job" (aka handholding each individual SysAdmin and dev until they patch their shit instead of doing real cybersecurity work).

    I dont know if you're in the same position, but if you aren't fuuuuck you. I'm getting real tired of people like you sitting on your idealist throne with your thousands of "well why dont you just"s. It's never that simple.

    I'm not mad though.
  • 2
    @arcsector now that's a rant
  • 2
    @rant1ng I'm not mad
  • 2
    @arcsector son, I been around these sorry sailors long enough to know a rant when I hear it.... bravo
  • 1
    @arcsector couldn’t agree more
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