I fucking hate it when customer changes things in the last minute.

"It's a small change", they say. "It shouldn't take you too long", they say.

You know what? Fuck you.

  • 3
    Absolutely. Fuck them
  • 7
    Changing scope changes billing and the timeline. Always. I bill scope changes separately, and at triple the rate, no matter how easy the client thinks they will be.
  • 3
    Well, is a mistake on both sides:

    - Yours because you can politely express "how hard is to apply the change must be evaluated by some members on the team before" and also always express any future change is another tasks in your list and cannot be consider within the initial estimation

    - The client for assuming things, but again, that's why you should be extremely specific since the very first time.

    The problem is we do not educate the client
  • 1
    Well... no problem, as long as I see the money in the bank account first, and you are ok with the bill.
  • 1
    My problem is that I end up promising less time than I need, then ask for extensions. And, I keep doing it again and again 😩😭
  • 1
    I feel u bro.
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