Hackerman strikes back. Always thought the new knowledge about stego tools, reversing, enumeration, privesc were just my private amusement. But could now use it, hopefully resolving a severe crash by dropping our binary into radare2 (cutter) and ghidra, identifying some dangerous code.

Also it gives you new angles to look at things. E.g. the vectors your code might expose...

  • 1
    Do you take any special precautions running ghidra?
  • 1
    @endor because of NSA? not really. Once there was this fuzz about the debugging option listening a port or so, but that seemed more of an publicity stunt than a severe issue to me. The binary is more or less publicly available.
  • 1
    @phorkyas I can't seem to find a source, but I remember reading somewhere a while back that part of Ghidra was not entirely open-sourced, so in addition to the published source you also needed a binary blob in order to run it (which would obviously constitute a major reason for concern).

    Is this info wrong/outdated? Is the published repository all you need to actually run Ghidra?
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