
So basically after using arrow functions for 6 months I discovered just now that it also passes it's enclosing scope. The more you know

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    I think technically its a lambda, but JS calls them arrow functions:


    I dunno, never heard of em before now.
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    @M1sf3t Yeah, I know. Lambda is different in other languages.
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    Sadly our web apps have to work in IE, so arrow functions are a no-no
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    @galileopy I would, but I haven't been able to convince them to use typescript yet. I will try again next time though
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    @dozingncoding you can just convince then to use ES2017.
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    @M1sf3t can't do that either. We have big customers who still use IE. They will phase IE out... Eventually. They have thousands of pcs each without admin access (except for their IT department). Having to install something in all computers would be time consuming and would thus cost too much money. It is not one of their priorities.
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