
I just drank 10 cups of coffee

  • 5
    If you don't feel numbness in your back or your arm(s), do not worry, but either way I advise you to drink water
  • 2
    That is a good start! Keep going!
  • 1
    I hate those caffeine highs when you accidentally drank too much coffee
  • 6
    Maybe make bigger coffee next time.
  • 1
    Legend says, on the eleventh, your glasses start to thicken and morph their shape into rounder frames while your facial hair starts to twirl and random indie bands that nobody has heard of start to flow out of your mouth.
  • 0
    @odite indie bands are awesome man. You truly discover the gems when you are at Irish pubs and they let awesome bands shine, regardless of where you.live
  • 0
    @EngineerCoding No doubt. Not a diss on indie bands, just the hipsters that name drop them expecting that to constitute a personality.
  • 0
    90 more to go
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