
Need help/advice.

I’ve a raspberry pie 3B.
The pi boots up with the OS previously installed on it, theHDMI port works perfectly,

The problem is , I can’t get the USB ports to work, nor does the LAN port works. And the wifi also doesn’t connect automatically donno why , not sure if the wifi wasn’t setup or the chip is gone bad, just need to know what I can do with it

  • 2
    Try with different operating system with different chip, check error log, try with better (supply higher current) power adapter.

    Anyway, dmesg is baseline for your checks.
  • 2
    1. chage power supply.
    2. flash another sdcard, and boot that. see if problem is the same.
    3. no usb/no lan/no wifi means you screwed - no keyboard/input. throw it away.
  • 1
    Which OS and which kernel?
    Do you see a red box and or a yellow bolt at the screen?
  • 0
    Sounds like it could be a corrupted OS, have you checked the hash of the downloaded ISO?
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