
This is so accurate...

(From random twitter post)

  • 9
    This only came about because useless syadmins wouldn't upgrade any of the servers (usually citing "stability" or "security" or some other bullshit reason to stay on 5 year old versions of things). Containers allow sysadmins to continue being useless fucks while devs can use modern tools and technologies. Win win.
  • 2
    @unsignedint i will admit, there are a lot of lazy, useless sysadmins out there, but there are also some good ones. I personally know one that works for a place absorbed my Margharitaville and despite being seriously underqualified (fresh out of a general associate's he got the job and knew zero about the entire field) he's learned in-place and actually does good work. ("Animals keep breaking our direct fiber line to our other site because corporate won't pay to bury it? Fuck it, let's put up microwave towers.")
  • 2
    @Parzi Of course, like any profession. There are a lot of lazy, useless developers out there too
  • 1
    @unsignedint apart from when there is a bug in the docker version but the sysadmin won't update the os to update docker.
  • 0
    Is so true when testing someone elses code
  • 0
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