
I like being diverse in what I can program. I like software development, web development, networking programming, I’m starting to get into embedding programming and using lower level languages like C/C++ (I’ve used them before but not for anything practical) and I enjoy the diversity. It makes me feel good knowing I can extend my programming knowledge.

Also I like having project ideas lined up so I know what I want to do next. And if I don’t finish one I know is easy but I can’t figure out, I CANT MOVE ON! I have to finish it. It’ll drive me fucking nuts.

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    Here we are in 2019 when C++ is considered a low-level language :D Just makes you think how this whole IT society changed over few past decades.
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    @kacper3w Well what do you consider low-level? Assembler?
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    Well technically yes. But I also understand that this division is subjective. I'm not arguing where to put the line exactly. It's just this post made me realize it shifts somewhat steadily as the technology becomes more advanced.
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    @kacper3w c++ is as low level as c. And c is quite low level I guess.
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    @b3b3 as per definition from Wikipedia: "A low-level programming language is a programming language that provides little or no abstraction from a computer's instruction set architecture—commands or functions in the language map closely to processor instructions."

    Both C and C++ provide really a lot of abstraction especially C++. But as I said before - it can be subjective. Also C/C++ provide SOME really low-level features such as memory access or inline-assembly. Still - I'm not trying to argue about semantics, just noticing a trend in the industry.
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    @kacper3w He didn't say it was low-level, just lower level :D
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    @kacper3w Still, I don't mean to be pedantic, I was just wondering. Thanks for the definition.
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    @kacper3w I am aware it’s not the lowest level but C is the closest to Assembly and C++ is just a more advanced C.

    I didn’t expect that to spark the friendly debate to be honest.If anything I thought someone was gonna tell me “WeLl yOu cAnT kNoW evERy thInG JuSt StiCk tO oNE CaTEgorY”.
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    It's pure luck. All you have to do is post a right rant at a right time and some random - bored at [work, home, train] people willing to exchange some thoughts
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    @kacper3w Fuck. That seems so... lonely
  • 0
    @kacper3w did you just reply to yourself?
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