
Hey Microsoft:

It’s time to murder the everliving f out of the pathetic existence that remains of Internet Explorer.

I’m stick of worrying about supporting a dying browser. Pull the plug and let the morons who refused the past ten years to make their systems compatible with more than one browser suffer the consequences. It was their own damn fault after all.

  • 4
    Yes, yes, yes! Absolutely the same feeling!
  • 2
    And having many companies lose money because they heavily rely on the tech? I think you should think about why it's still this way... look at Youtuber TechAltar's video(s) for more info.
    (I assume this is just a joke, so don't take my 2 cents too serious😅)

    On a serious note though, yes I would also like to see the world go on from this. Also from compatibility side.
  • 0
    MS Edge is switching to chromium and Microsoft has stated that Internet Explorer is a compatibility tool for legacy web applications, not a web browser
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