Can anyone share a junior dev/intern story in which they were happy/satisfied ? Like what tasks you used to do, what were your responsibilities, what was the support from seniors/leads/managers/founders/ceo/cto whenever you were stuck, how was the pressure of work there, etc?

My previous few posts might tell you that am having second thoughts about this internship of mine.

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    I have literally nothing negative to say about my internship. I was allowed to learn techniques I wanted to learn. Did everything from programming, teaching, being a Product Owner for other interns. I learned to communicate over there. Some things were tough like working with Kenyans who merge a 5 month old branch into develop with half fixed conflicts forced pushed without history. But in the end that made me a better dev.
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    @Codex404 you had a senior or you did everything by yourself?
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    My internship was actually very good. The team I was on was under pressure, but the team I was on still found the time to help us whenever we needed.

    Some of the things I worked on during the summer included .Net, Java, Windows XP Embedded building, Silverlight.

    The 3 of us in the project were very active in the sprint and the team, we are all assigned tasks, had developers check in on us at least one a day at the start and everyone helped us whenever we had issues or bugs we couldn't figure out.

    Take the internship as your opportunity to learn as much as you can about the industry, try to ignore three negatives and keep the positives (which I realise is good advice for life in general) but you get the idea.

    Hope your journey as a developer starts off well :)
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    @mullalliman wow, that's a godly internship. I unfortunately didn't had such supportive experience
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    @TitanLannister there was a senior frontend developer, our company was only doing frontend back then. Us interns let the company shift towards backend though that's mainly self taught. They let us do in-house projects were we felt pressure but delays weren't an issue, so once we saw something wasn't working we had the option to redo it if we kept everyone up to date.
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    @Codex404 damn ,Now i am jealous . Should have limited this posts to Indians only, lol.
    Anyways was it a startup or est. Company?
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    @TitanLannister the company exists 20 years, started out as a sys admin company though nowadays we don't have any sys admins left. Just before the financial crisis we switched to frontend dev, and about 4 years ago the company became full stack.

    We send out employees to other companies to either help development itself or help them structure projects, using scrum, agile etc. Most projects take between 6 months to 1.5 years.
    I've had three projects in the time I work here. A game dev project, a project for airports and now I'm working on software for commercial soccer ticketing.
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