Fuck. Medium.
Fuck all the articles on it too.

Do you seriously think I am so fucking dumb that I cannot keep my attention on a paragraph of text without at least one image for five seconds straight?
Three quarters of your shitty fucking article are images. They don't even relate to a damn thing in the article. It's just a fucking stream of random image subtitles.

It's just as bad as people randomly mashing pictures they found via Google search into their Power Point presentation because they actually have no content, breaking all copyright laws in the process, so they can stretch their mindless bullshit as long as humanly possible.


  • 3
    I know what you mean, but I really like Medium, and most articles aren't like that.
  • 8
    That's a wrongdoing of a writer on medium, not the platform itself.

    Also, its fun to read articles filled with puns and memes than those black and white worm-like typewriter font , textbook like research papers and articles.
  • 0
    So far, I have looked at a total of 8 Medium articles today.

    6 of them were the absolute trash I described here.

    Sure, there are always more talented people on platforms, but that certainly doesn't show on Medium where I looked.
  • 1
    They're good for AI tutorials. Thats about it.

    Also I really like the new 'aaaaaaaaaaaaa' tag.

    So good it hurts.
  • 1
    It is not worth time to click some search results where Medium popping out.

    Most of the time you being click-baited on title, then you have to spend time scrolling unrelated image (in size of one and a half of your screen) and read fucking bullshit introduction for fuck knows who. Then you will be awarded with a huge "fuck you!" aka paywall.
  • 0
    @Firanolfind the surprise paywalls piss me off something fierce.
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