
I am currently developing an application, using Electron, Vue and FeathersJS. My plan is to make it open-source, and I'm wondering _when_ one should make a project open-source? Like, should it be near complete, or does it not really matter? One of the things I'm having trouble to be energized about is writing the css, and it's a bit of a mess right now, which is why I'm asking now. I have never made an open-source project myself before, so tips are very welcome. Thanks

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    You can do it anytime. But you'll have to document the current state, and what changes can be expected before it can be considered "developer" stable, if not user stable. You can have a Contribution section to explain how you want the project to move forward, best practices, etc.,
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    @asgs Thank you for the tip. I'm going to make a documentation first thing tomorrow. :)
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    since you're making it in electron, it's a piece of shit by default, so it doesn't matter when exactly will you throw it to the herd of sheep that will trample and shit all over it. XD
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    @Midnigh-shcode I understand that Electron might be considered "bad," but there are a couple of reasons I chose the current stack:

    1. Availability (both in terms of open-source, but also in terms of OS). Even if you only know CSS you'll be able to contribute. The app will also be available as a web-service, so instead of writing code for each OS, it's going to be more easy to maintain if the same code is used for every platform.

    2. Vue is "kind of" made for seperating the logic from the frontend (and the like). This will make it easier to maintain, when (and if) the project gets really large. I'm not huge fan of JSX either. I understand there is the argument for React being faster, but I take readability before speed any day of the week (especially if it's going to be open-source).

    3. This app is aimed towards developers, so there is going to be an option to make the app target your own server. This will be easier to implement using these technologies.

    Thank you for your comment!
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    1. mud and dirt are also available everywhere and easily usable by everyone. why don't we build our skyscrapers from it, instead of glass and steel and concrete, which are very expensive, hard to produce, hard to work with, and comparatively much harder to get?
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