
I need to get an office outside home to work in. I was supposed to finish a project this weekend and i didn’t because i just chilled in the comfort of my room all day.

  • 2
    Coffee shop? Coffee, desk, music - all the good things that help setup the right nood
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    I kinda have the same issue, when I haven't got a super strict deadline that is.

    Get yourself to a coffee shop, also my local University has passes for people who live local, University libraries are great for getting work done in.
  • 2
    I also need to.
    Because children.
    Because constant interruptions.

    ... This comment took half an hour to write 😕
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    Same issue 😕 I can concentrate properly mostly in places where other people are concentrated on their work as well as I need.
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    @asgs most coffee shops have shitty internet and small tables or are simply not 24/7 or too far from home
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    @sleek too bad for you
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