Firefox will be enabling dns over https by default in the near future for all its users

  • 0
    Wakey, wakey 😀
  • 4
    I get why they would want to change. Are they going to totally lockout choosing a DNS in the future (down the road)? The idea that an app knows better than your own system DNS settings is kinda arrogant.
  • 2
    It does seem like the sort of thing that should be more along the lines of, "Your system DNS settings are potentially insecure. Here's what you can do about it," followed by a list of options, with the last resort being, "make Firefox use secure DNS."

    While I appreciate the option, at some point protecting users from themselves becomes authoritarianism. Teach them to protect themselves if you can.
  • 0
    @Demolishun Did you read the article?
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